Freitag, 21. Dezember 2012

talking about past and present and people

have to admit that i am very very happy that i am, who i am now. i've changed so much over the past 3 years. i've learnt, accepted and put into practice. and whenever i think about the old me, i just wanna punch myself in the face haha. i'v been such an idiot. but i had to be an idiot to become who i am now. i do believe, that everything, no matter what, happens for a reason. everything has a purpose. if you pay attention to this, you'll recognize that it really is this way, may it be even be the smallest things. also i'd never ever change myself again to be liked my someone. never. why should i, i am the only version of me and i won't change it for any other version of a thinking and feeling being that's just too different from me to like me for who i am.

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  1. Hallo ♥
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