Donnerstag, 8. November 2012

"Everybody is special. Everybody. Everybody is a hero, a lover, a fool, a villain. Everybody. Everybody has their story to tell."

a quote of Alan Moore, V for Vendetta.i never read the comic or watched the movie, but nethertheless the quote's true anyways, isn't it?

ugh, life's so exhausting at the moment. altough i'm not a student right now, nor i have a job. family, family, family. so complicated, exhausting and annoying. geez. i still ask myself sometimes, if some nurse in the hospital back in the day interchanged me with some other baby haha. how can related people be SO different? just can't understand it.

but whatever! i'm working on my not-being-occupied-with-anything-problem. i applied for some minijobs and such stuff. i don't feel good doing nothing all day long, waisting time instead of doing something useful. and since i haven't started studying this term, i gotta find something to do in the meantime. well, i didn't find many job offers, and just two or three of them sound actually good. there were some for catering, but that's not my territory. once i tried it, doing a internship in a highly esteemed hotel in the immediate vicinity, but NO, thanks. handling all day with unfriendly people while youself gotta be friendly af, clean their rubbish after them, always in a hurry, ugh, just no. would you like working in that area? or what would you like best as a minijob?? give me advice if you got some for me guys!

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