Mittwoch, 28. November 2012


-i really do feel sorry for all the people who don’t read books. really. even worse if they say “i never read a book-they’re so lame”. so, so sorry. books are probably the most beautiful material thing. because somehow they aren’t material-they let you live other lifes, see other worlds and experience other things. seriously, there are books i’d read over and over again, just because they’re so amazingly beautiful

-isn’t it sad, that we live in a world in which so much space is wasted on commercials, work, capitalism, selfishness, prejudice and technology, that there’s so little space left for romantic? not romatic in the love kind of way, but in every way?

-it makes me sad and somehow angry and i don't understand why so many especially young people are so unhappy with everything. they're never content with themselves and the life they're living. if you're not happy with it, change it the best you can. and appreciate life. it's really not that bad. the thing is, that people always see the bad sides more than the good ones. it's like bad times and good times are on a scale, and the side of the bad times always weights more just because we value them wrong.

-i'm torn between wanting a job in the future that will be fun and enjoyable for me and will get me enough money, or just a job that i'll enjoy. to find the second kind will surely be easier. but i want to make my future family a good life possible. good in ways of a safe home, always enough to eat, warmth, security, etc. but isn't a "normal paid job" enough for this? i really can't estimate such things. but i surely don't want to have a run-of-the-mine well paid job that i can't enjoy and love like some money-grubbing kind of persons with no intention to do something in order to just do it, but just in order to earn good money. i'm afraid i won't find the happy medium.

2 Kommentare:

  1. I really am overjoyed to see that there are wonderful people like you out there, with such beautiful, and relatable thoughts. Thank you for ending my day on a good note. X

    1. thank you so much dear, reading this made me smile :)
