Dienstag, 20. November 2012

fitness, health and diet

i decided to do a little post about my fitness/health-life and my diet.
in april this year i decided to change my eating behavior-once again, like i did it thousand times before. but this time i didn't start any silly kind of trend diet. i once tried the cabbage soup-diet and it worked a while, i lost about 8kg/17,8lbs but i gained them back so quickly (a few years after, i read that this kinda diet can make you lose some weight in little time but that's just why it'll come back easily). also i tried a ridiculous sausage-banana-eggs-diet idk what it was really called. you should eat about 5 sausages the first day (i think it were 5), then 5 bananas the second day and 5 eggs the third day and then it went on in some pattern like this - RUBBISH.

this time, i really don't know why, i guess the mature side of my brain must had cut in, i started to eat really clean. i didn't eat much junk food and fast food, not much pasta and white carbs. i went on with some raw food, fruits and veggies, but i'm more the fruit-type. also i switched from all kind of drinks to water. now i can only enjoy my food with water, because i think sweet drinks destroy the taste of the food.

also, one day i went down to our basement, don't remeber what i did there, but the old crosstrainer which stood there chaught my eye. so there i was, with my long sweatpants and a long sweater, running on the crosstrainer. it must had looked ridiculous! but ever since i randomly started running there, it became a habit. and also there were some results: i lost some weight! but also, i did feel so much better. i never believed or could believe people when they said that clean eating and sports change your sense of life, but it does! i feel so much more happy nowadays. if i felt 5 out of 10 days happy before starting my lifestyle-change, i feel 9 out of 10 days happy now! also it's such a huge pleasure and satisfaction, when you see what you achieved yourself, but i myself think that this is just a little contribution to the happiness you feel almost always.

also you'll get to a point when the changes you took at the start won't be enough anymore. in my case, it was about the workouts and "bad food". my running-sessions weren't enough anymore, so i looked for some workouts for my abs, arms, legs and butt (because that are the bodyparts i want to be more toned especially). i think that youtube is a great source for workout-inspirations if you don't want to spend lots of money for any silly workout-dvds (i myself don't believe that they work really, idk why) or don't want to go to the gym or don't have the time/money for that. it took me some time to find workouts that were practicable for me-some were too hard, some didn't make me feel like they worked my body. but once i found some, i sticked to them. now, i added some more to my old ones or changed the difficulty level by doing them longer, more repetitions or added weights. about the bad food: i finally cut out bad snacking. i had such problems avoiding sweets or when it was dinnertime and my family had for example pasta, i ate some of it too. resisting was just too hard for me. but now it became normal, i don't even crave for that bad stuff anymore. well sometimes yeah i DO, but a little sin once in a while is ok! i was used to eat at least one bad thing a day, but now it's maybe one in three days i guess. i made saturdays my "devour-day". i allow myself to eat everything i'd like to eat. like when i'd like to have pizza, i eat it. i once read that it's good to have such days to avoid food-cravings. at the beginning i ate a lot bad stuff on my devour-days, but now it got less, because i just don't want to eat stuff that's not good for my body anymore. and it's really true that if you avoid that stuff, you'll less crave it. i guess it's the same like with cigarettes, if you're used to smoke them you'll crave them, but ask a non-smoker if he feels like needing a cigarette, think he'll agree? no haha.

todays, when i eat some bad stuff or drink sugary frizzy drinks, i literally feel that it's not good. i feel so limp and ugh, nah, like a big big big snorlax/relaxo (for the german readers), remember him?

i lost about 11kg/24,2lbs, but i still want to lose some more and tone my body more. i'm very very happy with my achievements! i still can't really realize that i did this all by myself. and i would have never believed that i would stick to this way of life for so long (well, 7 months are quite a time for me). i think, eating clean and challenging your body is the only way to improve your body and health really and longlasting. also everyone can do it! it's just about you and your mind, if you want it, make it happen! only you can do it-no wizard will appear and turn your body into a sexy machine.

also, i created some nice meals and snacks, which are healthy and super for a proper diet. maybe i'll post some of them :)

“The mind is everything. What you think you become.”

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